Vatican Admits On National TV
That ET Contact IS REAL

#8 Vatican Admits On National TV That ET Contact IS REAL by: Richard Boylan, PhD 4-4-98
(The Battle Rages On)

Note - Here is one of the actual Italian television appearances by Father Balducci stating the Vatican's belief that ETs exist. His quotations are in Italian. Click here Monsignor Corrado Balducci, a Vatican theologian insider close to the Pope has gone on national Italian television five times in recent months to proclaim that extraterrestrial contact is a real phenomenon. The prelate announced that the Vatican is receiving much information about extraterrestrials and their contacts with humans from its Nuncios (embassies) in various countries, such as Mexico, Chile and Venezuela. Monsignor Balducci said that he is on a Vatican commission looking into extraterrestrial encounters, and how to cope with the emerging general realization of extraterrestrial contact. Balducci provided the Catholic Church's analysis of extraterrestrials, emphasizing that extraterrestrial encounters "are NOT demonic, they are NOT due to psychological impairment, they are NOT a case of entity attachment, but these encounters deserve to be studied carefully." Since Monsignor Balducci is a Vatican expert exorcist, and since the Catholic Church has historically demonized many new phenomena that were poorly understood, his proclaiming the Vatican's non-censure of these encounters is all the more remarkable. Balducci revealed to a visiting American clinical professional from the Academy of Clinical Close Encounter Therapists, that the Vatican is closely following this phenomenon. Parallel information from MJ-12 scientist Dr. Michael Wolf suggests that the Vatican is concerned that it will have a major doctrinal updating situation on its hands when extraterrestrial contact becomes authoritatively announced by world governments over the next several years.

Forwarded by Richard Boylan, Ph.D., LLC 2826 O Street, Suite 2, Sacramento, CA 95816, USA. (916) 455-0120 E-mail: ; Primary website: Author: Close Extraterrestrial Encounters, Labored Journey To The Stars and Project Epiphany.


English Translation of Father Balducci's Remarks


Here are the latest affirmations of FATHER BALDUCCI on the subject of extraterrestrials as seen in the conversation with journalist Bruno Mobrici; filmed by RAI-TV 1 "SPECIAL TG1," it is available in a zip file..

Bruno Mobrici: Father Balducci father, then, between us, would this answer how many support this versus how many are still opposed?

Father Balducci: These things give us a great deal to think about. Is it true, it is false, is it ... it is true, it is not true, is this believable or should we say this is incredible -- no! By now, at this point, there are several considerations made with CERTAINTY THAT these BEINGS DO EXIST. IT CANNOT BE DOUBTED. It can also be said that even if there are 99 things about this phenomenon that are false, within the entire totality there can be one true statement -- and it is that, certainly, it's true that this phenomena does exist for sure. Therefore, this is the first problem: there will be those who doubt, perhaps, but the most prudent people will not deny it entirely.

Bruno Mobrici: What are the consequences regarding religious beliefs or philosophy?

Father Balducci: Not there are no one with ... not that it is without some negative consequence... all things considered. After all the Lord has revealed to us all, things we already think well of, and also of this "alien" and not exactly human rendition of God's creation we can also think well. Christ always remains the center of the Universe, but in the Universe there is not only this one world, but there are millions of stars, millions of galaxies, and there are... I don't want to say now anything about how many (or any exact numbers) but, without a doubt, we can reasonably anticipate the next point. And now here we'll enter into our second phase of questions, as these aliens explain themselves, discuss the existence of other inhabited worlds, in the manner that they have lived. How did they live? You see, there's a saying that goes back centuries: "Natura non facit saltus" -- "Nature does not make jumps" ...... There is the animal realm, the vegatable realm, the human realm, and the angelic realm; these are the four realms we already know about. Three are natural and we see them. Between the man, the human being and the angel, eh... there's a jump and it's a jump that's a little too large to make. Here, for convenience, I use this illustration -- this example from Saint Thomas's theology [Summa Theologica] is very good because it illustrates that such verisimilitude is probable. Let's take the case of mankind. Man already has a spirit, in himself, but it may be a poor spirit. This spirit is subject to all matters in an incredible way. Now the man -- he's had enough by evening, and this man has to go to bed, while the spirit does not have this need to sleep. Man can suffer just a little, for instance, say, one minor illness, or insomnia, and thus he is imprisoned. But then consider an angel. An angel is ALL spirit -- the similarity between mankind and angels is that part which is the SOUL, the spirit. We say, therefore, that the less mankind is tied to his physical self, the less he's ruled by his body. How much we are able to subordinate our higher self to the body and how much to the realm of the soul -- how much progress we make towards this spiritual world -- until it is obvious how much progress we have made towards the study of our own spiritual side in these last decades, we won't be able to progress further.


A film made for RAI-TV with the questions of journalist Bruno Mobrici and the answers of Father BALDUCCI 2,674Mb zip (2,853Mb mpg) -- Go to:&127; Since we get so many visitors, please download during the nighttime hours when Internet traffic is lighter. See the RAI-TV production first released: Sunday October 8, 1995: RAI -TV 1 Transmission " Special Tg1 "

Note - Since this story broke, we have been continually seeking to substantiate the information and source material. As part of that effort , we contacted esteemed UFO Researcher Edoardo Russo in Italy for his analysis. His response follows...

From Edoardo Russo 4-8-98

Hello Jeff!

1) Monsignor Corrado Balducci is NOT a Vatican theologist (that is he is not one of those belonging to any congregation), though is a theologist and at the same time a priest.

2) As any other theologist (be they priests or not) he can claim whatever personal opinion he may have, though controversial, on any subject, but that is NOT the Vatican's opinion in any sense. Moreover, he has sometime expressed controversial and unorthodox opinions (eg. about subliminal messages in rock lyrics).

3) Corrado Balducci is a frequent guest on TV programs on a wide variety of subjects, and he has also talked about UFOs in more than one occasion . In particular, he was interviewed on a "Special TG1" at national TV first channel (Raiuno) about UFOs on August 16, 1997, and he offered his opinion that something must be true, given the many witnesses, and that such alien beings could well be superior to man, though inferior to angels, should have both body and soul, but that he hoped they were less body-conditioned, thus helping us to respect those universal values God put into all intelligent beings. Similar opinions he had already told in a previous TV debate he also took part on October 7, 1995. (I've got a video recording of both TV emissions in CISU files.)

4) Such spiritualist viewpoints are shared by the most vociferous UFO cultists here in Italy, grouped around contactee/BVM visionnaire/stigmatized Giorgio Bongiovanni's "Nonsiamosoli" movement and journal. Thus "Nonsiamosoli" chose to publish an interview with Corrado Balducci in a recent issue and also reported his various TV statements. The same texts were put on the Internet in that group's homepage (, which was recently renamed www when the webmaster divorced from the increasingly commercial-minded activities of "Nonsiamosoli".

That was the source for the recently circulated news item, which was: - exaggerate as of scope (not the Vatican but a single theologist); - wrong as of times (it's not such a recent development, but a series of more than two years interviews); - wrong as of contents (it's not concerning an acceptance of alien UFOs, but an opinion on the possible spirituality of aliens).

I hope that this may settle the matter.

Edoardo Russo
Centro Italiano Studi Ufologici
CISU, Casella postale 82, 10100 Torino
tel 011-3290279 - fax 011-545033

Edoardo Russo: 1) Monsignor Corrado Balducci is NOT a Vatican theologist (that is he is not one of those belonging to any congregation), though he is a theologist and at the same time a priest.

Richard Boylan: Mr. Russo's disrespectful attempt to turn Monsignor Balducci into "Mr." Balducci is a familiar old disdainful trick used by debunkers. Mr. Russo's denial does not make Monsignor Balducci any less a Vatican theologian. Mr. Russo's denial does not stop Monsignor Balducci from continuing his membership on the Vatican commission studying extraterrestrial contacts. Mr. Russo apparently lives up in Turin. My informant, the ACCET clinician interviewed Monsignor Balducci in Rome.

Russo: 2) As any other theologist (be they priests or not) he can claim whatever personal opinion he may have, though controversial, on any subject, but that is NOT the Vatican's opinion in any sense.

RB: Mr. Russo's denial does not make him an expert on Vatican matters, nor does it stop Monsignor Balducci's being a member of a Vatican commission.

Russo: 3) Corrado Balducci is a frequent guest on TV programs on a wide variety of subjects, and he has also talked about UFOs in more than one occasion. In particular, he was interviewed on a "Special TG1" at national TV first channel (Raiuno) about UFOs on August 16, 1997, and he offered his opinion that something must be true, given the many witnesses, and that such alien beings could well be superior to man, though inferior to angels, should have both body and soul, but that he hoped they were less body-conditioned, thus helping us to respect those universal values God put into all intelligent beings. Similar opinions he had already told in a previous TV debate he also took part on October 7, 1995. (I've got a video recording of both TV emissions

RB: So Mr. Russo DOES acknowledge two of the five times that Monsignor Balducci has spoken about extraterrestrials on Italian television.

Russo: 4) Such spiritualist viewpoints are shared by the most vociferous UFO cultists here in Italy, grouped around contactee/BVM

RB: Mr. Russo betrays his debunker hand here, labeling anyone who sees extraterrestrials as having souls a "spiritualist", and labeling ufo investigators who believe extraterrestrials have souls as "cultists". Gee, I thought we had enough debunkers on U.S. UFO newsgroups that we didn't need to import another one from Turin.

Russo: - wrong as of times (it's not such a recent development, but a series of more than two years interviews);

RB: Mr. Russo is in error. I never said that Monsignor Balducci's declarations were all recent. Indeed, I pointed out that he has made the declarations of extraterrestrial contact reality on Italian television five times, obviously over a period of time. What is recent is the ACCET clinician's interview with Monsignor Balducci in Rome, where she got the update that a Vatican commission Monsignor Balducci is on is studying extraterrestrial encounters as a reality, not as a psychological aberration, not as demonic, and not as spirit possession.

Russo: - wrong as of contents (it's not concerning an acceptance of alien UFOs, but an opinion on the possible spirituality of aliens).

RB: Mr. Russo has it wrong again. I did not say Monsignor Balducci talked about UFOs; he talked about extraterrestrials as CERTAINLY real, and that they POSITIVELY have souls, NOT "possibly".

As usual, the debunkers have problems with the facts, because they don't want to hear the facts.

Richard Boylan, Ph.D.

The UFO Cover-Up is crumbling.
Richard Boylan, Ph.D., LLC 2826 O Street, Suite 2, Sacramento, CA 95816,

USA. (916) 455-0120 E-mail: ; Primary website: Author: Close Extraterrestrial
Encounters, Labored Journey To The Stars and Project Epiphany.
Regular columnist in "Contact Forum" UFO;
and Bob Dean's "Stargate Newsletter":


Date: Saturday, 11-Apr-98 04:40 PM
From: Francisco Lopez          \ Internet:     (
To:   Louise A. Lowry          \ PRODIGY:     (TAAK46B)
FORWARDED Letter from Whitley Strieber

Dear Peter:

Msgr. Balducci is entirely real, and much of what he has been saying about the visitors is accurately presented in Boylan's statement. In addition, I understand that he has been doing a good deal of television recently. I know the Monsignor through Michael Hesseman and have talked to him personally about his views. He has given me an interview that is going to be published in my new book Confirmation, and in it he makes substantially the same statements about the need to stop fooling ourselves that the contact situation is psychological, and he makes the point that it is dangerous for Christians to ignore the testimony of millions if they are to accept the testimony of just a few as the basis of doctrine. He also discusses his contention that the visitors are not demons, and mentions that the subject matter is of special interest to the Church and the Christian community.

Msgr. Balducci told me personally when I asked him about his relationship to the pope that he knows the pope and is friendly with him. When I asked him if the pope was aware of his views on UFOs, he said that they had not discussed the matter per se, but had talked together about issues of demonology.

Boylan is also accurate in describing Msgr. Balducci as an expert on demonology. He has published on the subject and has been the exorcist for the Archdiocese of Rome. It is because of his expertise in this field that there is reason for Christians to regard his views on the question of whether or not the visitors are demons as an authoritative one.

In the interview I have, he did not mention anything about Papal nuncios reporting information to the Vatican on a formal basis, or the existence of a commission to deal with the issue.

He has personally read and agreed to every detail of the translation, and it is completely accurate. It will be published as an appendix to Confirmation, which should be in the stores by April 15.

In the interest of accuracy, I would very much appreciate your reposting of this letter to the same list that has received the previous two posts.

Sincerely yours,Whitley Strieber

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