
An unknown animal was run over in Dequincy (a town about 10 miles north of us.) Someone took pictures of the animal and sent them to "The Dequincy News" ( A small bi-weekly paper) After reading the article my friend took interest and called to see what happened to the body. The paper told them that "for all they knew, it's still out on the road." Immediately my friends went out and found what was left of it (I think it had been out there a couple of weeks by this time.) One of them still has the remains. Then they found the woman who took the original photos and made copies of these. (the B&W in the paper isn't a great picture.) Then I showed up... 
I immediately went to the library and got on the internet to dig up what I could on the Chupacabra. I was overwhelmed by the amount of reports and the variations of descriptions and experiences, so I focused on the connecting facts and the earlier reports which seemed a lot more credible. One of the common elements of many of the early reports was that it contained lots of hair, and that it had a "baboon face". In the Dequincy article, (which is only a paragraph long) There in print was the term "baboon face" again, this to me definitely meant that this could very well be the Chupacabra. Upon talking to another Phenomenon buff I was told that it sounded a lot like a legendary creature known as "The Plum Creek Creature", also from Louisiana. I still need to check more into that. Below is the article, word for word... 

THE DEQUINCY NEWS vol 72, No.24 Sept. 25, 1996, 

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