Freestone Wilson Abductee  

Freestone Wilson wrote:

Here is one of my greatest abduction experiences! As you read it, you will see that it fits the "classic' ufo-abduction process: but it was a "dream"! no! not a Out Of Body experience! I was taken in spirit to where these aliens were, in my Spirit-body! But it is an abduction experience!! [I wonder how many such experiences are really like this??!.....i think:MANY!!] ---for i was taken into the afterdeath/spirit worlds.....

Dream begins......
I awake, in the dream, on a grey operating type table. it is the table that i have actually seen pictures of and read descriptions the narritives of Abductees!
I am surrounded by several beings that do not look like human beings!---on an operating table, in a room of grey metal. and...yes...the looked JUST LIKE what is in the pictures that abductees draw.....the "tall grey-suited humansized heads, but feature-less".

One of them began to talk to me.
he tells me that he is surprised...they were going to give to me an IMPLANT of some sort, for some reason... but that they just had now discovered that some other alien group beat them to it and had, unknownst to me, already abducted my spirit-body and had put an implant into this body already!!
thus, there was an implant already in place! so this leader says to me..."since we brought you up here, we may as well purify your AURA a little".

I watched this leader and one of his assistants bring up to me a wire looked like a soap bubble blower...a loop of wire attached to a long straight wire. This loop was maybe five inches across and the straight wire was maybe two foot long, coming out of some instrument box, held in his hand.
They then made passes over my body....running the loop up and down my arms and legs and along my body.
[like degaussing a computer moniter screen, I guess---- when i awoke...i felt very calm and peacefull for months...this little operation, folks, had a VERY REAL EARTHLY EFFECT upon my physical body!]

This spokesperson [felt "male"]...then said to me...
"Now, before we send you back down to is our Astral address so that you can come to visit us as you go out of your body, at be able to come stay with us for a while, after you DIE" This being then held out to my face something that looked like a business card or I D card. He then put it onto my body, to have it in my spirit body at all times.
Yes...another IMPLANT!....really.
-----and the dream ends.

Then the Dreams of visits to alien worlds, begins...on and off, for the rest of my life!! [some of these will be put up, on this list, eventually!

From this...i have a theory about these implants that the abductees recieve. they are put into their spirit-body and they are there for.... the aliens can moniter the person.
....they can send thought material to that person.
....when the person dies; the aliens can pull him up into their worlds of spirit...much like of the chinaman who is bald except for that rope of hair: he leaves it there so that God can pull him up to heaven when he dies!
....thus there is always a connection between the abductee and these aliens, via the implant that can not be observed by X-ray or it is in the Spirit-body, of the person!

And, yes, the other major point is...someone can indeed be abducted right from their sleep, from their bedroom!! it is a REAL abduction: the person is taken into the spirit worlds of higher dimensional reality.

I welcome comments and questions about this experience, folks.

My theory is that the dwelling place for these aliens is the spirit worlds! the place we all go to after we die! thus, the aliens can reach us, by abducting us from our sleeping bodies, via the "out of body"..."astral travel" method: they just carry one away, into their realm, their little section of heaven!
for TRUE space wrap these aliens could be the souls of deceased aliens from other planets, indeed, from far off in the galaxy, where they died...and live in their heaven worlds...and they could come to earth's heaven worlds, in ...maybe...hours or minutes!!! thus i could be carried in not only their ships..but to their very heaven worlds, near their physical planets... this MEANS...folks.....that *ALL* the heavenly counterparts to ALL the physical planets, in all of the whole Universe...could be reachable to you, after you die and go to live in the afterlife worlds!!

.some of these aliens could be here to help us, in surely there are some VERY advanced races, in this Universe!!...advanced in ethics and Spirituality!!

live an incredible life

Freestone Wilson


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