The Abduction of Travis Walton


The abduction of Travis Walton was the first case of an extra terrestrial abduction that was witnessed by five individuals. Travis Walton was supposedly abducted by extra terrestrials in November 1975 and held for a period of five days. Skeptics contend that Travis Walton fabricated his story of extra terrestrial abduction so that he could sell it to the media.

On November 5, 1975 a team of six tree-trimmers were heading home from their job in the Stitgraves National Park (Arizona, USA) when they noticed a large UFO hovering over the trees. They stopped their truck in a clearing and observed the UFO. Travis Walton stepped out of the car and slowly walked closer to the craft. When he approached the craft a blue beam struck him in the chest and threw him to the ground. The rest of Travis' crew panicked and sped off in the truck toward town assuming he was dead. Once they collected themselves they returned to the clearing and were unable to find Travis. They then informed the local authorities who conducted a massive man-hunt for Travis' body. Travis Walton was found five days later in a village a few miles away from his home disoriented and unable to recall where he had been.

No knowing what happened after those five days, Travis Walton decided to undergo hypnotic regression. Under hypnotic regression he was able to remember that after he was struck with the blue light he found himself in a small room lying on some sort of table. He was surrounded by three beings that were about four feet tall, slender build and large dark eyes. He was operated on and was then allowed to explore the craft. He was then escorted back to the same table by these beings and a mask was placed on his face. The next thing he remembered was waking up on a sidewalk.

Travis Walton's critics contend that he made up his abduction story. Skeptics allege that Travis failed a lie detector test conducted by John J. McCarthy and his family had reported seeing UFOs regularly (previous to his abduction). These skeptics also point out the fact that there was no physical evidence on Travis' body or at the clearing to indicate that he had been abducted.

Just like the case of Betty and Barney Hill, Travis Walton firmly believes that he was abducted by extra terrestrials while skeptics remain convinced that his story has been fabricated.

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