Inspiratieve boodschap bij spiraalpictogram van Windmill Hill te Avebury, 12-10-96.

Let our love stay in the hearts of all mankind.
The deeper interest or meaning is not yet revealed to men.
You have to go inside first, when you want to declare this fenomenon. Our structures are so complicated, that the brain of mankind can not reveal this yet, but there will be a time, that they all can enter the truth of it.
The structures correspond with parts of the brainsubstance that are not yet revealed and entered into (onderzocht), but the greatest fenomenon of man is this structure. It enables the mind to travell over wide distances, even when man is asleep. It has information so wide and greatly, that we will change and alter ourselves in immaterial creatures. And physical world will be of no importance anymore.
Yet mankind is not that far that he can handle this. These structures will slowly integrate, when he has got used to it. While looking at it and often seeing it, he will get used to it and slowly and slowly these structures will help him to remember what he allready knew.
It is in him. All answers to all problems are put into man; he has not yet been able to enravel it. That's the puzzle he has to go through during this lifetime. Lifetimes after these it will not be necessary (anymore) to puzzle it out; then he allready knows when he comes to earth in a new body. These bodies will not be the same as the ones we use now. They will be more complicated and (of) more light structure.
The light fits in it and the information of these lightstructures fits in it. It's all in the DNA-chains, that have not been used these Ages. But that Age, calles the Golden Age, will come and people will be golden (light)creatures.

Jeanne Cichy



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